Tag Archives: Wildlife

Big tree, cattle, butterfly

It was a very nice sunny spring day in West Berkshire today, so I went for another walk in the countryside near the village. I had hoped I might still be able to see some Bluebells, but couldn’t really find any. Didn’t see anything spectacular, so here are three fairly mundane pictures of a big tree, some cattle in the sunshine and a butterfly on a leaf:

(Click on the pictures for the larger versions)

I hope you had a nice weekend as well, hopefully spring and soon summer continue to be nice.

Jay in a tree at Titchfield Haven

Time for the third set of pictures from my second visit to Titchfield Haven nature reserve. After the Kestrel and the Avocet this time I’ve got a Jay sitting in a tree just off the reserve:

As usual, click on the pictures for the larger version.

Avocet in shallow water at Titchfield Haven

As promised yesterday in the post about the Kestrel I spotted at Titchfield Haven nature reserve here are some more pictures of another bird I watched. This time it’s an Avocet, spotted from the Pumfreet Hide feeding in the shallow waters of the South Scrape:

Click on the pictures for the large versions (with captions).

Interesting fact: The Avocet is the RSPB’s emblem. There are about 1,500 breeding pairs in the UK, some at Titchfield Haven.

Kestrel at Titchfield Haven

Another year, another sunny bank holiday weekend Sunday, another visit to Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve. Of course I took a lot of pictures, some of which I’m going to share over a few posts. To start here’s a Kestrel I managed to capture on picture while it was hunting (I think it managed to catch something, unfortunately I didn’t get that part on picture):

Click on the pictures for the large versions (with captions).

More to come of other birds (and may be the area) over the coming days (or may be weeks).

Cormorant with its catch at Titchfield Haven

I think this will be the last set from my visit to Titchfield Haven back in August. We had disagreeing Cormorants, Little Egrets, Kingfishers and Black Tailed Godwits, now we’re kind of returning to the first birds. I found a few acceptable pictures of a Cormorant with its catch. Not the greatest shots as they were against the late afternoon sun and I had to process them quite a bit, but I thought they were still worth sharing:

A few seconds later the fish was gone, swallowed in one. As usual click on the pictures for the larger versions.