All posts by Armin Grewe

Hi, it's just me.

Two more TV Licensing letters to finish 2024

My last TV Licensing threatening letters update was back in October, time for a bumper update with not just one but two letters. Two for the price of one. The first one I found after returning from a holiday in November. It had a rather stark message:

You are breaching the Communications Act 2003 if you do not have a TV Licence to cover you for:

Now that’s a rather worrying introduction, bluntly accusing me of breaking the law. But let us read on.

  • Watching or recording live TV on any channel or device
  • Everything on BBC iPlayer

Ah. I do neither of those. So why do you open with such an accusing and threatening tone?

The first of two stupid TV Licensing letters
TV Licensing letter 1 of 2

The rest of the letter is mostly the usual blurb about their (non-existing) investigation and that I should expect a visit.

The second letter arrived this month in December in another red envelope. Considering that they know my name from when I was previously registered as not needing a licence I’m still fascinated by their insistence of addressing me as “Legal Occupier”. Just like all the scam texts and emails use generic terms…

Dear Legal Occupier,
As you have not responded to our letters yet, you have left us no alternative but to proceed with the final stages of our investigation.
An Officer has been scheduled to visit [address] to find out if TV is being watched, recorded or downloaded illegally. The Officer may visit your property any day of the week, morning or evening.

I’m confused. Has the “Officer” been scheduled or may they visit any day? Which is it?

The second of two stupid TV Licensing letters
TV Licensing letter 2 of 2

The rest is again some of the usual blurb, pretty much all irrelevant. For the simple reason all I have to tell the “Officer” is: “No TV licence is required at this address, please update your records. Thank you and good bye”.

That should conclude 2024. What will 2025 bring? I doubt there will actually be a visit, just more letters. One every month.

The world according to your mum doing the washing

Time for a break from all the TV Licensing fun, time to let your mom explain the world. Not through the medium of dance, but through washing:

Joshua Idehen – Mum Does The Washing OFFICIAL VIDEO

Came across the song on BBC Radio 6 Music (no TV License required) earlier this week and thought it should be spread further. So here it is.

Will TV Licensing visit this week?

Following on from the Red Letter more strange communication from TV Licensing. This time they are asking a rather strange question in big blue (blue? why blue? Have you run out of red ink?) letters:

Will you be in on 30th October?

That’s a rather personal question. And I’d say also none of your business. But then I suspect that’s a rhetorical question, as obviously you wouldn’t announce your visits, as anyone not wanting to speak to you would simply conveniently be out that day. But let’s read on.

As there’s no record of a TV Licence at your address, you should expect a visit from an Enforcement Officer.

It may be on the 30th October or another day. You could [lots of threats we’ve heard plenty times before]

Thought so. More empty promises. Or should that be threats?

Picture of a TV Licensing letter threating a visit from an enforcement officer, asking if I'll be in on the 30th October
TV Licensing visit threat

So let’s see what happens next. Who knows, they might still surprise me and there will really be a visit. But I doubt that. Probably just another letter.

Red Letter from TV Licensing

So my “10-Day Window” expired in early September and I was wondering when I would hear from TV Licensing again. On Friday the letter arrived and it wasn’t just any letter. No, they pulled out all the stops and sent me a red letter:

Picture of a red envelope with an address window
Red letter suspiciously looking like TV Licensing

No plain envelope, but a bright red one. From the “The Legal Occupier” I knew it was going to be from TV Licensing. So what would they say this time?

This address is still unlicensed

No, really? You don’t say. Of course it is unlicensed. Because it doesn’t need one. Which I would have told you ages ago if you had been a bit friendlier. But you chose violence.

Picture of a letter from TV Licensing with the header We Did Not Hear From You
Red letter We did not hear from you

We wrote to tell you we were giving you 10 days to get correctly licensed – free from the risk of an enforcement visit.

Which I did. I didn’t get a licence as I don’t need one. So my side of the job is done as far as I’m concerned.

Your case has been escalated to the Enforcement Team covering [full post code], so you can now expect a visit from an Enforcement Officer.

Wow, a whole team covering 29 flats? Isn’t that a bit much? I’ll be waiting. Well, not really. If they’re lucky I’ll even open the door, to tell that no licence is needed at my address. And that would be it.

PS: I expect no visit any time soon will happen, just more pointless threatening letters.

New tactic by TV Licensing?

Well, well, well, I hadn’t expected to write about TV Licensing again so quickly after my TV Licensing are back with a vengeance post from just three weeks ago. But it seems they have started a new tactic at least I haven’t seen before. Two days ago I found this letter in my mail:

Picture of an envelope with a window saying "10 Day Window"
10 Day Window?

From the “The Legal Occupier” I could tell it was from TV Licensing. But what was new was the window on the envelope, revealing a “10-Day Window”, but not more. So I was intrigued. What was the 10 day window for? Was it going to be the window the threatened TV Licensing Inspector would finally visit me?

Turns out, no. They are giving me a 10-day window to get correctly licensed. Which I already am. This is what they say:

Picture of a letter from TV Licensing with the title 10-Day Window
The 10-Day Window letter

They claim they put my “case” on hold for 10 days, during which I won’t have to expect a visit by the dreaded TV Licensing Inspector. How nice. That makes me sleep better (no, sadly not). And without a TV Licence I may be breaking the law. Except I’m not. I don’t do anything from their list as I’ve got better things to do, like writing this blog post.

Apparently I ONLY have until the 4th of September to act. Well, I’m acting now and I’m doing …. nothing.

Let’s see what happens after the 4th of September.