Following on from the Red Letter more strange communication from TV Licensing. This time they are asking a rather strange question in big blue (blue? why blue? Have you run out of red ink?) letters:
Will you be in on 30th October?
That’s a rather personal question. And I’d say also none of your business. But then I suspect that’s a rhetorical question, as obviously you wouldn’t announce your visits, as anyone not wanting to speak to you would simply conveniently be out that day. But let’s read on.
As there’s no record of a TV Licence at your address, you should expect a visit from an Enforcement Officer.
It may be on the 30th October or another day. You could [lots of threats we’ve heard plenty times before]
Thought so. More empty promises. Or should that be threats?

So let’s see what happens next. Who knows, they might still surprise me and there will really be a visit. But I doubt that. Probably just another letter.
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